DESCRIPTION: The T12 Telephone Canyon Trail and T20 Rodamaker Canyon Trail form one continuous path and
are joined on the ridge where T25 crosses them. At this common junction, vistas are
spectacular and encompass a large portion of the White Mountain Wilderness! If you walk from one trail to the other, it is
suggested that T12 be ascended and T20 be descended, due to the steepness of
the latter. The lower end of T12 begins in a recreation residential tract
where privately owned homes are on public land. No camping is permitted here. T20 is steep along its upper
section. Views of subalpine meadows are outstanding. The trail moderates in
descent as it begins to pass along an intermittent creek and through a treed
corridor with open understory. Several oak groves, large and quite old, are
present. ACCESS: To access the lower end of T12 from Smokey
Bear Ranger District Office in Ruidoso, drive NM48 north 4.2
miles to the junction of NM532, Ski Run Highway. Turn left and follow paved NM532 2.5 miles to the junction of Forest
Road FR127A, Eagle Creek Road. Turn right and drive the largely graveled and
narrow FR127 1.4
miles to the locked gate to the Eagle Creek area. Park and hike
0.5 miles to the trailhead, masked by a T12 sign near the Eagle Creek
Summer Home Association building.
To locate the lower end of T20
from Smokey Bear Ranger District Office in Ruidoso, drive NM48 north 8.3 miles
to the junction of NM37. Turn left and follow NM37 1.3 miles to FR107, Rio Bonito Road. Turn
left (signed Bonito Lake) and follow the narrow two-lane pavement past Bonito
Lake to a main road junction with a sign indicating "Westlake Campground
1/8 mile." Turn left and drive to
the Westlake Campground entrance. The trailhead is 1/4 mile beyond the
entrance, at the far end of a campground, owned and operated by the City of
Alamogordo. If you drive through the campground to the trailhead, a fee may be
charged, but you may park for free outside the campground and walk to the
To reach T20 from its junction with T25, Crest Trail, drive NM532 0.9 mile from the intersection of NM532 and
NM48 to the junction of FR 117, Monjeau Lookout Road, and turn right. Follow
this mostly graveled route 5.0 miles to a junction on the left, a short road to
the T 25 trailhead. Hike T25 0.3 mile
to the junction with T12.