At the start of the day
The section of Bent #9 is supported by the large crane, and the worker in the crane basket is using a chain saw to cut one of the braces at the top of the section that connects to Bent #10.
Now he is cutting the next brace.
The second mid-sill on Bent #10 is badly rotted and deformed. Bent #10 had to be carefully braced to Bent #11 before the work on Bent #9 began.
Now he is cutting a lower brace.
The braces have been removed, and the bolt pins that connect the section to the first mid-sill have been cut. The crane lifts the section off.
And sets it one the ground, leaning against Bent #10
A nice piece of work by mid-morning
The next task is to put the top section of Bent #8 back in place.
Guiding it into place
Within an eighth of an inch (my guess)
The worker on the left is drilling a hole for a bolt pin; the worker on the right is driving a bolt pin in.
Bolting a temporary brace in place
The crew leader is surveying to make get the right elevation and tilt. The old cap is in good shape and will be used. A subcap and possibly a shim will be added.
Removing the old subcap
The partially restored and the yet-to-be restored